O.R.P. Case Study

Overview and Background

Problem: Users want to locate an app for help due to opioid abuse. Users struggle with opioid abuse, but do not know where to go for help. Users want to find a website that provides them with opioid abuse information, withdrawal symptoms, and how to get help.

Opioid Recovery Project will help users get the help they need by visiting my app to find out how they can get help fast. The mobile app provides soothing colors on recovery, an organized layout system to locate what they need to find, and smooth animated transitions for users to stay on the app.

User Goals: The goal of this project is to wireframe, prototype, and design an iOS application that helps users understand and face the opioid crisis in this current day and age.

Objectives and Goals

My project will help users get the help they need by visiting my app to find out how they can get help fast. The mobile app provides soothing colors on recovery, an organized layout system to locate what they need to find, and smooth animated transitions for users to stay on the app.

The goal is to wireframe and prototype a mobile application that faces a social issue in the modern world. To create a successful app, I will need to do research, conduct usability tests, and develop a solid visual design system and include animated transitions for users to feel comfortable while learning about a triggering topic.

Target Audience

According to Injury Facts, the age that experiences the most opioid overdose deaths are from 25-24, while preventable opioid deaths are from 24-54, while the age of 55+ is growing more rapidly from 2018-2019. The target audience of this project will be 25-55.

(2021, March 4). Drug Overdoses. Injury Facts. Retrieved March 28, 2021, from https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/home-and-community/safety-topics/drugoverdoses/#:~:text=Currently%2C%2073%25%20of%20preventable%20opioid,among%20children%20younger%20than%2015.


User Journey Map